It’s simple to join ICPU Certified Candidates. We help you with these few steps to find suitable ICPU modules according to your needs.

Once you've determined which certification is right for you, you're ready to be enrolled as one of ICPU Candidates.
To view a detailed guide for ICPU Certifications. Go Here.

Locate an ICPU Accredited Test Center near you.
Search for the nearest ICPU Accredited Test Center to confirm Available Modules, training and testing schedule and pricing.

Create your ICPU Profile.
Register your ICPU Candidate Profile at the nearest ICPU Accredited Test Center Located, This allows you to have ICPU Candidate ID which gets you ready to build your ICPU Candidate Profile through ICPU Accredited Test Centers around world.

Get Trained.
Choose modules from ICPU Available Certifications and then schedule your training through the nearest ICPU Accredited Test Center

Get Certified.
Reserve your ICPU Modules exams at the nearest ICPU Accredited Test Center.
*All modules successfully completed will be shown at your ICPU Candidate Profile