Programming Essentials

There are thousands of coding languages in existence today.
Coding languages aren’t like our languages – there are no vocabularies or alphabets. They’re more like codes – special commands, abbreviations and ways of arranging text.

All software is written in some kind of coding language. And every coding language is unique, designed with a certain operating system, platform, coding style and intended use in mind. As a result, coding skills are in high demand, with programming jobs. Even beyond the tech world, an understanding of at least one programming language makes an impressive addition to any resume.

There is a few prerequisites for programming essentials module.
- You should have a working knowledge of your computer and Operating system.
- Know how to use the directory system of your computer so that you can navigate through folders.
- Understand how to locate, save, and open files.
- Know how to use your mouse to access menus and commands.

- Add interactivity to a page.
- Create forms by using different input types, and validate user input.
- Create well-structured and easily-maintainable code.
- Create Web pages that can adapt to different devices and form factors.
- Enhance the user experience by adding animations to a page.
- Use Web Sockets to send and receive data between a Web application and a server.
- Improve the responsiveness of a Web application that performs long-running operations by using Web Worker processes.

- Beginning HTML5 and CSS3 (Dummies)
- Coding with JavaScript (Dummies)

IT-109 ICPU Programming Essentials Exam