Green IT

Green IT refers to the study and practice of using computers and IT resources in a more efficient and environmentally responsible way.

Green IT aims to minimize the negative impact of IT operations on the environment by designing, manufacturing, operating and disposing of computers and computer-related products in an environmentally-friendly manner. The motives behind green IT practices include reducing the use of hazardous materials, maximizing energy efficiency during the product's lifetime and promoting the biodegradability of unused and outdated products.

- No specific prerequisites for this module.

- Introduce and explain the fundamental principles of Green ICT & the science driving adoption of ‘greener’ working practices.
- Knowledge of how sustainable ICT can be used to help reduce the impact on the environment by organizations.
- How ICT can be used to reduce the carbon ‘cost’ across the whole organization.
- Understand the importance, risks, issues and opportunities around:
    Printing and recycling
    Energy efficient computing
    Mobile and Remote working
    Resource sharing platforms
    Assessment of environmental and property impacts
    Power efficiency technology
    Data Centre rationalization
    Out-sourcing opportunities
    Best Practice frameworks
    Understand the concept of ‘Green Wash’ and how it can be overcome.
    Understand how to create and implement a joined-up Green IT strategy
    Explain the importance of aligning the Green IT strategy to an organization’s environmental and sustainability policy

- Green IT (Dummies)

IT-110 ICPU Green IT Exam